Today’s realities of doing business and trade put forward special requirements for organizing the activities of sellers, planning a sales system. The time of separate contacts between sellers and buyers, partial satisfaction of the needs of buyers has completely passed. Today, success in trading is the presence of a high-quality and well-thought-out system of trading actions, because the number of competitors is growing and only the most organized worker will be successful.

Such an advantage can be provided by RepMove, the latest application for planning trade, matching and in-line correction of the movement of sales agents. It is RepMove that will easily become your secret to success in trading and overcoming all competitors.

The application makes movement as thoughtful as possible

RepMove is an excellent assistant in creating a trading network, allowing one person to take into account all possible parameters of the functioning of sales. Its main functionality is a better route planner, when you can foresee the necessary time costs, spatial movements of each employee between outlets with an accuracy of up to a minute.

It is important that RepMove integrates well with various devices (for example, employees’ tablets and personal computers) and uses geolocation systems, up-to-date information from road maps. Also important is the possibility of receiving interactive feedback from the sales agent in real time.

We plan and you earn!

The RepMove application gives you a significant advantage by integrating all the trading action system in one place. It is important that on the basis of your clear and detailed plan, you will be able to get ahead of the competition, since your employees will not waste time on non-logical trips, but will follow a well-planned route that takes into account all the nuances of movement.

You can find all information about the application on the site , where its functions and capabilities are described. A few minutes – and you are in the trend of modern planning, successful trading and multifunctional support for trading activities.


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