In the article Audioguy182 Brian, we have given details about Brian Szasz and the incident with his stepdad.

Who is Brian Szasz? Hamish Harding, a British actor of note. The submarine has been located. If you share the same concerns, this article on Audioguy182 Brian is for you. People in the United States and Canada were worried after the Titanic Submarine vanished. Brian Szasz made headlines in the interim. He is the son of Hamish Harding who was one of those inside the submarine. Why?

Who is Brian Szasz? Why is he popular?

Brian Szasz is the stepson of English/British billionaire Hamish Harding. He’s an aspiring actor. His stepdad, Hamish Harding, was one of the five people on the Ocean Gate Submarine. He flirts only with fans on Twitter. Brian, also known on Twitter as audio guy 182, went to the Blink 182 concert after his stepdad’s submarine vanished on 18th June 2023.

What happened to Brian’s stepdad

Five people, including a billionaire (Hamis Harding), were missing from a submarine. Few details are available to the public, leaving them wondering what happened.

Despite the unknowns, experts are working to locate the sub and the occupants. With each passing day, the urgency of the situation grows and hopes for a successful rescue begin to fade. Instead of comforting her mother, Brian Audioguy182 goes to concerts and flirts. Recent reports suggest that the submarine may only have enough oxygen to last a half-day.

Details About Brian Szasz

According to his Instagram biography, Brian is a San Diego-based audio engineer. Brian’s Instagram account has over 8000 subscribers. He hasn’t uploaded any photos from the Blink-182 show on Instagram. The whole thing started when they commented on a tweet by a half-naked model. Brian gets hate mail from all social media platforms, because Videoguy182 Brian is having a good time while his mother has the worst day ever.

Brian had asked people to pray for his family and him an hour or so before he posted the tweet. His stepdad served in the Ocean Gate submarine. He tweeted about his family’s ordeal. He uploaded photos of Brian taken at the Blink182 show, according to reports.

Cardi Getting Involved in the Controversy

In recent news, audioguy182 Brian has been the subject of a lot of controversy. He is the stepson of Hamish Harding. Cardi B has now become involved in the dispute. Cardi B used social media to share her opinions. This led to more debates and discussions.

Others have praised her for speaking out. Some have praised her for speaking out.

Cardi B shared a video in which she discussed Brian’s audacity of going out to enjoy himself when his family is suffering. She told him to help his mother get through these difficult times by staying at home. Audioguy182 Brian’s anger is once again fueled by cardi B’s criticism of Brian Szasz on social media.

More details on the controversy

Brian tried to make things right by explaining the reasoning behind his actions after the controversy erupted. There is now a public dispute between Brian and Cardi-B because the netizens did not like it. He writes stories about him addressing Cardi-B’s opinions and clarifying the position he holds. Brian blamed Cardi B for the online abuse he received. Also, social media users express their opinions.

Audioguy182 Brian said in his defence that going to the concert was a way for him to deal with the difficult situation, and that he wanted to be away from the mobile phone at least two hours. He said that it was an old, dear friend of his who had commented on the tweet by the model. And he replied to all of her tweets. This was not unusual. He claims he is trying to handle the situation, but it’s not helping. He’s more upset than ever due to the online trolling and harassment. Audioguy182 Brian has only been understood by a few people.


Brian’s family has suffered a tragic loss and the internet is not doing enough to support them. Brian’s actions caused controversy and a lot of trouble. Cardi-B became involved in the scandal, which made it even worse.

It is a fact that Brian’s father Hamish and the Ocean Gate submersible crew are all lost at sea. The submarine is most likely to have run out of air.


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