Bob Marley, a Jamaican icon known for his powerful reggae lyrics and soulful reggae music, was tragically killed too early by an aggressive skin cancer called Acral Lentiginous Melanoma. We will examine this type of Melanoma in more detail to show why it is important for everyone to be vigilant about their skin health.
What Is Acral Lentiginous Melanomas (ALM)?
A rare subtype of Melanoma, Acral Lentiginous Malanoma (ALM), develops in areas that are hairless such as the soles of the feet, palms and nails. ALM may develop due to genetic or UV radiation factors; on the other hand, most melanomas occur from prolonged UV exposure over time. Because ALM affects people of all ages equally, it’s crucial that anyone notice changes to their skin at any age.
Which individuals are most vulnerable to ALM?
Acral lentiginous Melanoma is more common in people of color. ALM is most prevalent among those of African and Asian descent; the reasons behind this disparate prevalence remain undefined, but may be genetic. Everyone should inspect their skin regularly, regardless of race or tone.
What was the progress of Bob Marley’s melanoma?
Bob Marley was first diagnosed with ALM after noticing a dark spot beneath his toenail. Marley, along with many others, initially attributed it to an injury sustained in soccer. It is easy to understand the oversight, given ALM’s unusual location and lack of awareness. By the time his cancer had been identified, it had already spread through his entire body and caused his premature demise.
What are the symptoms and signs of ALM?
ALM can often be mistaken for bruises or injuries in less exposed places like palms and soles of feet, the undersides of nails or nail beds, or undersides of feet. ALM typically appears as dark streaks or patches on skin which often misinterpreted as bruises; over time these patches may change in terms of color size shape; it’s recommended consulting your physician should any skin changes occur.
What can be done to prevent and treat ALM?
Early detection is key to successful treatment of ALM. Self-examinations are recommended every month, including the less-exposed parts of your body. Consult a dermatologist immediately if you notice any changes. Early detection of melanoma and surgical removal can cure it. If it spreads out, the treatment becomes more complex and may require a combination surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or other treatments.
Bob Marley’s tragic death from acral-lentiginous melanoma serves as a powerful reminder of the importance to be aware of your skin’s health. Everyone should have regular skin checks, regardless of their age or ethnicity. They should also seek medical advice if they notice any abnormalities. Take proactive steps to improve your health by remembering Marley’s message: “Get up and stand up.”