Argentine supermodel Wanda Nara reportedly spotted with her ex-husband Maxi in a restaurant near Buenos Aires. Wanda and Maxi have been spotted together for almost 10 years after their 2013 split.

Years of media wars between Maxi and Wanda raged on. With the infamous Wandagate scandal, things began to calm down. Even reports suggested that the parents of Valentino Constantino and Benedicto had reconciled.

They are now spending time with their family. Both Nara and Max shared screenshots of the video call that they had just after 12 with a raised glass.

They were also seen in a renowned mall in the North Zone last January. A few days later, Maxi played soccer with his kids on a country court in Santa Barbara. Nara used to be both Maxi’s and Nara’s house.

The eldest son, Maxi, of Wanda, who plays for the lower divisions in River, invited both his parents to have dinner together after practice. Maxi and Wanda used this opportunity to reaffirm that the war had ended. They chose to make their relationship public by sitting at the same restaurant in Palermo, a neighbourhood in Buenos Aires.

The media was there in no time. Wanda arrived at the venue with Kennys Palacios, her best friend and stylist. She reportedly didn’t make any comments. She seemed to find the whole situation very funny. All indications point to the fact that family gatherings have been taking place privately more often.

Mauro Mauro posts images of Wanda Nara topless: Reports

Mauro Icardi shared pictures of Wanda Nara in a topless outfit.

Mauro Icardi of Galatasaray has reportedly uploaded a photo on his Social Media page in which he posed with his wife Wanda Naray in a sensual position. And posed on a table without clothing.

Icardi shared his post with more than 10,2 million of his Instagram followers. He wrote in the caption: “It’s not my fault that I like you, it’s yours because I have everything I love”.

Wanda Nara, who has over 16.2 million fans on the social network, posted this mysterious message just a few days before. She wrote , “You hurted me, but I learned that without pain, there would be no loving and without love, we are nothing. Because nothing will change the river of tears I had to swim alone maybe you weren’t for me even though I was happy. I hurt you, but it was necessary to teach me that without pain love would not exist and we are nothing without love. Nothing will change a river of tears in which only I have to swim. Maybe you were not for me even though I was happy.

Wanda received a public reply from Icardi. Icardi replied by saying “Did You Get Romantic?” Each day is more beautiful! ! “.


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